Charlie Harper

Charlie Harper

Charlie Harper headshotWith a passion for business development and web technology he founded WooshData. Web services grants Charlie the privilege to have a positive impact on the growth of companies in this era of e-commerce. His unique background of both business development and systems engineering allows him to dilute complex solutions into digestible understanding. Charlie has been working in IT and creating websites since 2002.

Follow Charlie on Twitter: @charlieharper

WordCamp Session:

From Shared to VPS. Scaling up for traffic and utilization.

Session Description:

What to consider about the VPS host you choose. Will you be able to vertically scale up and down in your new VPS hosting environment? Can you scale CPU and RAM without changing disk space so you can scale back? Don’t forget costs and bandwidth considerations. What if the site is too large for common popular migration tools? Learn how to use linux and mysql commands to move your website from one server to another. What are some basic linux commands you need to know and how to read the output to have a pulse on the health of your server. Don’t just rely on the graphs, because with great power comes great responsibility. I will show how to check for free memory, cpu, disk, etc. I will show you how to dig deeper into the mystery that is your web server.


Power Users


Published by

Ben Meredith

Former lead organizer for WordCamp Raleigh, Ben is a the Head of Support at GiveWP, the creator of the most popular Click To Tweet Plugin on the WordPress Plugin Directory, a husband, a dad of boys, and in the 80th percentile for height in America.

WordCamp Raleigh 2015 is over. Check out the next edition!